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Brain Boost is Back

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Tired of Chalky, Bitter Mushroom Powders? We Were Too. Find out how our Nutritionist solved that with liquids.

You're one step closer to a less stressful, more productive life. Powered by Science & Nature.

Brain Boost Drawing Icon

Speziell formulierter Extrakt aus Igelstachelbart und Rosmarin, der dabei hilft, geistige Erschöpfung und Konzentrationsschwierigkeiten zu bekämpfen, die Kreativität anzuregen, die Lernfähigkeit zu verbessern und das Gefühl „auf der Zunge“ zu beseitigen.

Immune Pump Drawing

Speziell formulierter Reishi- und Chaga-Pilz sowie Grüntee-Extrakt, der mithilfe seiner leistungsstarken Beta-D-Glucane und Antioxidantien zum Aufbau eines unaufhaltsamen Immunsystems beitragen soll.

Skin Assist Drawing

Speziell formulierter Tremella-Pilzextrakt, Hyaluronsäure und Kollagen-Elixier, damit sich Ihre Haut erfrischend gesund anfühlt und aussieht.

Stamina Surge Drawing

Speziell formulierter Cordyceps-Pilz und Rhodiola rosea-Extrakt, entwickelt zur Verbesserung Ihres Herz-Kreislauf-Systems, zur Stressreduzierung und zur allgemeinen Verringerung von Entzündungen Ihres Nervensystems.

Die einzigen wohlschmeckenden Pilzextrakte    Kein Getränk erforderlich

Von einem Ernährungswissenschaftler formuliert    Halbwild gewachsen

Mehr als 40 der besten Einzelhändler Australiens vertrauen uns

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Alles natürlich

Mushify-Produkte verwenden ausschließlich natürliche, wissenschaftlich erprobte Inhaltsstoffe in wirksamen Dosierungen, um Sie und die Umwelt zu schützen.

Kostenloser Expressversand über 100 $

Wir bieten KOSTENLOSEN Versand in ganz Australien für alle Bestellungen über 100 $. Entspannen Sie sich und warten Sie mit Express nur 1-3 Tage* auf unsere Kosten.

100% Geld-Zurück-Garantie*

Wir sind so überzeugt, dass unsere Elixiere die besten auf dem Markt sind, dass wir eine 30-tägige Geld-zurück-Frist anbieten. Probieren Sie Mushify jetzt aus.

You want science? Same

If you like to do some of the research yourself, we link studies on all our pages. Our nutritionist follows the latest science and brings it right to you. Following peer-reviewed studies that reveal synergistic properties of tonic herbs and medicinal mushrooms, she created the first-of-their-kind liquid extracts that actually work. Saving you money and getting you results.

M4 Pack can replace
Cost per month
Skin Care $60
Pre & Probiotic $40
Stress Adaptogen $40
Immune Support $50
Total per month (AUD) $80 $230

Based on current available data for average industry prices of premium supplements

Schneller Versand    Schmeckt super

NULL Alkohol    Stärker als Pulver

Von Ernährungswissenschaftlern formuliert

Mushify arbeitet bei der Formulierung der gesamten Produktpalette mit einem australischen Ernährungswissenschaftler zusammen. So stellen wir sicher, dass wir den neuesten wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnissen folgen, denn Sie verdienen das Beste.

Der Stärkste auf dem Markt

Anders als bei Pulvern verwenden wir nicht nur das absolute Minimum wie die meisten Marken, sondern wir möchten, dass unsere Produkte wirklich einen Unterschied in Ihrem Leben bewirken. Deshalb verwenden wir für unsere Pilze einen Extrakt im Verhältnis 30:1. Das bedeutet, dass Produkte wie „Immune Pump“ 7,2 kg Pilze pro Flasche enthalten.

Alkoholfrei und lecker

Unsere Produkte enthalten keinen Alkohol und haben dadurch einen angenehmen Geschmack. Durch die doppelte Extraktion werden dennoch alle Wirkstoffe aus dem Pilz gewonnen.

Starten Sie durch mit dem M4 Day+Night Pack

$160.00 AUD Angebot Sparen Sie

Komplettes Sortiment an hochwertigen, hochwirksamen Gesundheitselixieren

Tag: Brain Boost und Immunpump

Nacht: Ausdauerschub und Hautunterstützung

ganz natürlich, enthält keine Füllstoffe, kein Getreide, keinen Zucker, keinen Alkohol, keine künstlichen Zutaten, keine Konservierungsstoffe, gentechnikfrei, glutenfrei, vegan, milchfrei, gründlich auf Schwermineralien und Mikroben getestet und aus ganzen Fruchtkörpern hergestellt, nicht aus Myzel

Alison, eine voll ausgebildete Naturtherapeutin und Ernährungsberaterin, hat bei der Entwicklung unserer hochwirksamen Elixiere geholfen, weil Sie nur das Beste verdienen.

Explore her work

Frequently asked questions

Return anything you're not satisfied with before their 2 year best before date—no hassle, no worries.

Unlike messy powders that require you to make a dedicated drink, often needing milk, our elixirs are convenient, mess free, and alcohol free. Not only that, but we're able to use much higher extraction ratios than our competitors, meaning each 1ml has more product.

Liquids also give us the added bonus of enhanced bioavailability over other forms of consumption. Simply hold our delicious liquids under your tongue for 10-15 seconds. Even if you don't want to, you'll still benefit from the enhanced bioavailability that our added grapefruit extract provides.

Convenient, more potent, mess free, more bioavailable, cheaper per serve and tastes better.

This is the ratio of whole fruiting bodies to final product extract. That means, we use 30kg of mushroom to make 1kg of extract. This is triple as much as some of our biggest competitors, meaning you can be sure you're getting all the health benefits without having to re-dose multiple times throughout the day! As for the 'dual' part, that means we use two extraction methods: water and vegetable glycerin. This ensures that you get all of the good stuff from inside the mushroom, without the bitter gross taste that alcohol elixirs and powders give.

Absolutely not! This is a common misconception and salesy marketing tactic used by most of the big brands.Our nutritionist covers this in detail in this easy to digest blog, but here's a quick break down. Beta-glucans are in all mushrooms as they're actual purpose is to strengthen fungal cell walls (the same way cellulose does in plants). Beta-glucans have been shown in studies to have potentially help the immune system, but they do not help in other areas such as neuro-function (like lion's mane does). For example, lion's mane has 2 main compounds that create new brain cells (hint, beta-glucans don't help at all), those are:erinacines & hericenones: studied to support brain health and may stimulate Nerve Growth Factor (NGF). Yet for some reason, we see big brands use marketing tactics that say their lion's mane is standardized for 40% beta glucans. For people not in the know, that might sound great, big science words, cool. But in reality, that means their product has less erinacines & hericenones, and more of the useless beta-glucans. Standardizing is essentially synthetically raising the levels of one thing and as a biproduct, lowers the levels of the other things. Standardizing is often done by 'spiking' (adding beta-glucans from other sources such as yeast extracts, a common one), or genetic modification of the mushroom to produce more beta-glucans than other compounds. Either way, it's bad.

An extract is the sum of multiple kilograms of whole, dried mushroom, condensed down into a small amount, making it far more potent per gram/ml. Freeze dried whole mushrooms are just dried mushrooms, without an extract. So essentially, they're just far less potent than an extract. Whole mushroom companies will try trick you by saying they're 'free from fillers like alcohol or glycerin that dilutes it", when in-fact that is a total lie. These are called solvents, which help carry all the nutrients. The reality is, whole mushrooms are far less effective than extracts in potency, and are also less bioavailable as they have not broken down the chitin in the mushrooms. Chitin is the thick cell wall that prevents humans from digesting the nutrients. This is why mushrooms are cooked before eaten, to break down the chitin.

We don't grow our mushrooms in a lab unlike most other brands, limiting their spectrum of active compounds. Instead, our products are grown semi-wild, Di Dao in the mountains of China, where they have been growing for thousands of years in their native habitats, giving them a biodiverse environment where they can develop a full spectrum of active compounds and nutrients. Unlike most brands in Australia, because these mushrooms are not native to Australia, they have to grow them in a lab on grain or processed wood pellets, meaning they have very little active compounds due to their sterile, synthetic environment. Unfortunately, growing in a lab has other downsides, such as bleach contamination. Because we want to work with the environment, rather than against it, we go for a more sustainable approach, that provides you with a healthier product.

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