The Wellness Lab: A collection of scientific blog posts and helpful tips for a better you

What are beta glucans, and what really matters? Alison Jones BHSc

What are beta glucans, and what really matters? Alison Jones BHSc

By Alison Jones

Medicinal mushrooms are enjoying a surge in popularity, and with that comes all sorts of questions about their active compounds—especially beta glucans. In many conversations,...

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Nourishing Your Body: Why Lifestyle ENHANCES Supplements - Mushify

Nourishing Your Body: Why Lifestyle ENHANCES Supplements

By Mushify Team

We live in a world where we’re constantly tempted by quick fixes—supplements and superfoods that promise miracles overnight. While science certainly supports the health benefits...

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Why 30:1 Mushroom Extracts (Alcohol-Free) Outperform Raw Mushrooms - Mushify

Why 30:1 Mushroom Extracts (Alcohol-Free) Outperform Raw Mushrooms

By Mushify Team

Ever wonder how a small scoop of mushroom extract can pack a punch that rivals—or even surpasses—consuming whole mushrooms by the handful? The secret lies...

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The Hidden Harms of “Just a Sip” of Alcohol: A Science-Backed Guide - Mushify

The Hidden Harms of “Just a Sip” of Alcohol: A Science-Backed Guide

By Mushify Team

Have you ever been at a party or gathering and had someone say, “Go on, one little sip won’t hurt”? It’s a phrase we often...

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